What Is Height Increase Surgery?

History Of Increase Height Surgery:

Cosmetic Limb Surgery: Is It Right for You? Find Out Now!

Height Increase Methods

1. External Method:

This involves inserting an Intramedullary Nail into the bone canal and attaching a device to the outside of the leg, which is used to distract the bone apart manually by our trained staff. The lengthening process itself is painless. Patients may feel tightness and soreness in surrounding soft tissues just after lengthening.

a. LON EXTERNAL METHOD (Lengthening Over Nail External):

The device typically consists of metal rings and pins attached to the bone and connected by rods, centrally placed intramedullary nails inside the bone. This method is well suitable for tibia lengthening.

Height Increase Surgery
Increase Height Surgery

b. LON MONORAIL (Lengthening Over Nail Monorail):

Height Growth Surgery
Height Increase Operation

2. Internal Method:

This involves inserting a metal rod or nail into the bone and using screws to hold it in place. The rod or nail is then gradually lengthened over time to precisely distract the bone apart by remote control.

a. The PRECICE Intramedullary Leg Lengthening Method:

The PRECICE system utilizes an intramedullary nail that contains a magnetic device that allows for precise lengthening of the bone. The procedure involves inserting the intramedullary nail into the bone, which is then stabilized with proximal and distal interlocking. The lengthening process is controlled by a remote control that adjusts the magnetic device.

Operation To Increase Height
Our treatment

Height Increase Strategy

Bilateral Tibial Lengthening ((lengthening limit:5-8cm)

Bilateral Femur Lengthening (Lengthening limit:5-8cm)

Both the Femur bone will be lengthened simultaneously.

Quadrilateral Combined Femur & Tibia Lengthening (Lengthening limit:10-16cm)

There are three ways to do Quadrilateral Lengthening:

Sequential Tibial and Femoral Lengthening:

Sequential Femoral and Tibial Lengthening:

This is the opposite of the first way. First, both femurs are lengthened by 5-8cm each. Then, there’s a minimum of 4 weeks to wait for healing. After that, both tibias are lengthened by 5-8 cm.

Cross Lengthening:

In this method, one femur and one tibia are lengthened simultaneously. For example, the right femur and left tibia are lengthened by 5-8cm each. Then, after a short 4-week interval for healing, the procedure is repeated on the other side – the left femur and right tibia are lengthened by 5-8cm.

Height Increase Surgery Cost

Is It Possible To Lengthen Both The Tibia and femurs at Same Time?

Yes, it is possible, but we do not recommend it due to the significant life-threatening & other risks:

Risk Of Fat Embolism:

Simultaneously breaking six bones raises the risk of fat embolism, a dangerous condition where fat globules enter the bloodstream, potentially leading to severe complications.

Prolonged Immobility:

Following the surgery, the patient may experience extreme discomfort and face challenges in performing daily activities due to the required immobilization.

Excruciating Pain:

After such an extensive surgery, the healing process can lead to intense and prolonged periods of extreme pain, further complicating the patient’s recovery and overall well-being.

Quadrilateral Surgery Options

Tibia LON + Femur LON = 10-16 cm
Tibia LON + Femur Precice = 10-16 cm
Tibia Precice + Femur Precice = 13-16 cm

Quadrilateral Recovery

In the process of quadrilateral height recovery, the recovery duration depends significantly on two crucial factors: the interval between lengthening procedures and the extent of the lengthening itself. As a general guideline, the minimum recommended interval time between lengthening sessions is four weeks.

Let us consider a scenario where the goal is to increase the length by 16cm, with an interval of 4 weeks. In this case, the actual lengthening process will extend over 6 to 7 months. Upon reaching the 8th month, the individual may begin walking with the assistance of support aids. By the 9th month, they should be able to walk unaided, although their gait might not be entirely normal. A natural walking pattern can be expected as we progress into the 10th and 11th months. Moreover, around the 15th month, the individual may anticipate the ability to engage in running and jumping.

However, it is important to remember that full recovery from the quadrilateral limb is a prolonged process that exceeds two years. Completing recovery will require dedication and perseverance, but the ultimate goal of restoring limb functionality and mobility will be well worth the effort invested.

If the interval period in the quadrilateral exceeds four weeks, please refer to the bilateral height recovery information provided under the subheading “Timeline For Lengthening and Recovery.”

Comparison Between Different Height Increase Methods

The most trusted & reliable
Modified version of LON external. Comparatively less safe.
Very safe & newer technology
Pin Site Infection
Less chances
High chances
Lengthening Limit
5-8 cm
5-8 cm
5-8 cm
Tibia & Femur
Tibia & Femur
Pin Site Scars
Normal Walk: 6- 7months Jog: 9-10months Run: 10-12 months Athletic abilities: After 2 years
Normal Walk: 6- 7months Jog: 9-10months Run: 10-12months Athletic abilities: After 2 years
Normal Walk: 5- 6months Jog: 9-10months Run: 10-12months Athletic abilities: After 2 years
Weight Bearing
Partial weight bearing during the lengthening phase
Partial weight bearing during the lengthening phase
Partial weight bearing during the lengthening phase
Sleeping pattern
Straight and side ways
Only straight
In any position

Contact Us For Pricing

The above-mentioned cost includes:

Eligibility Criteria

Patients with mental illnesses (such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder) are not eligible.

The eligibility age is from 15 to 50. For a minor (below 18), the parent’s consent is required for the surgery.

Patients undergoing major surgeries (heart/liver/kidney transplant) are not eligible.

Do's Don'ts
Be transparent about your medical history to the doctors
Not fully disclosing your previous health conditions
Follow healthy diet during the phase
Alcohol consumption & smoking are not allowed during the phase
Cooperate fully with physiotherapist and follow their instructions religiously
Do not skip your physio sessions and self exercises recommended by our physiotherapist
Customized food can be provided from our in-house kitchen. Patients can also buy food via online app(s)
Cooking is strictly not allowed in the room for safety purpose
Regularly take your supplements prescribed by our doctor(s)
Not consulting our doctor(s) before taking any medication
Cooperate with our doctor & manager
Do not be non-cooperative with our doctor & manager

Note: The patient may have to undergo a psychological evaluation by a licensed psychologist. The doctor may/may not decide to move forward with the surgery based on the psychological assessment. The doctor may stop the lengthening at any phase due to any of the above-mentioned “Don’ts.” We request you to be co-operative for your well-being and successful recovery!

TimeLine For Lengthening and Recovery

  • Day 1: Admission to the Hospital
  • Day 2: Surgery
  • Day 4 to 5: Discharge from the hospital and shift to a rehab center
  • Day 7: Start with the lengthening phase
  • Day 17: X-ray (~1 cm)
  • Day 38: X-ray (~3 cm)
  • Day 60: X-ray (~5 cm)
  • Day 80: X-ray (~7 cm)
  • Day 90: X-ray (~8 cm)
  • Day 91: Shift to hospital for the device removal
  • Day 92: Shifting back to a rehab center. At this point, patients can go back to their homes using a wheelchair if they are willing to
  • Day 110+: Walking with walker/crutches phase will start
  • Day 140+: Patient can walk independently and can drive the car. Upper-body gym workouts can be started in lying and sitting positions.
  • Day 180+: Normal walk can be expected
  • 9th to 10th Month: Initialize running and jumping
  • 12th Month: Light sports activities are allowed
  • 18th to 24th Month: Intramedullary nail can be removed
  • 24th+ Month: You can do gym and sports at full capacity


Note: The lengthening and recovery timeline for the Quadrilateral and two surgeries is double the abovementioned timeline. Please be advised that the timetable may vary slightly according to each individual, depending on their target and body condition.

Preparing Yourself For The Surgery

  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol at least a month before the surgery.
  • Inform us in advance if you have any pre-existing illness.
  • Stop taking fish oil, turmeric powder as a supplement, and aspirin at least a month before the surgery.
  • Be mentally strong because you will stay at least 3-4 months away from your family and friends.
  • Ensure you have a standard vitamin D, B12, and calcium range.
  • Bring loose shorts.
  • Bring your ID cards, which the government recognizes.
  • Bring the adapters that connect your electronic devices to the Indian power socket.
  • If you have one, bring a PlayStation/books/laptop to pass the time.

Physical Preparation

  • Strengthening & stretching of quadriceps and hamstrings.
  • Stretching of iliopsoas, iliotibial band, and calf muscles.
  • Strengthening of tibialis antireal muscles, gluteus muscles, and lower-back muscles.
  • Increase range of motion on hip, knee, and ankle joints.
  • Make your upper body stronger.
  • Increase your lung capacity.

Risks & Complications

Delayed Union

New bone formation takes longer than usual. 

Prevention: Follow a healthy diet and take the supplements recommended by us. 

Potential Treatment: Self-treated with diet & supplements. 

Premature Consolidation

This condition occurs when the new bone tissue grows too quickly, filling in the gap before the bone can lengthen fully. 

Prevention: To prevent premature consolidation, we closely monitor the bone lengthening process and adjust the distraction rate as needed. Speed up the lengthening rate by more than 1 mm for a few days if the bone is not lengthening as expected and chances of early joining. 

Potential Treatment: If bone consolidate already, we have to break the bone again surgically.



The invasion and growth of gems in the body. 

Prevention: Regularly clean your legs and pin areas. Stay hygienic. 

Potential treatment: Medicinal management and surgical management.

Equinus feet or Ballerina’s feet

A condition where the foot is held in a downward position; it becomes difficult to pull the ankle and foot up. Usually, this complication occurs after 6 cm in tibial bone lengthening. 

Prevention: Rigorous physiotherapy. 

Potential treatment: Percutaneous Achilles Tenotomy. This is a minor surgical procedure. 

Nerve Injury

Frequently Asked Questions